Stock Availability

Stock Availability
You can see if a product is in stock on the website in the product details.

If a product is out of stock, you can add yourself to the waitlist on the product details page to be notified when it is back in stock.

We have more Vimergy stock arriving regularly, usually every month.

If a product is out of stock on the website, we will generally have more stock within 2 weeks unless Vimergy is out of stock.

Vimergy Melatonin

We do not stock Melatonin due to this being prescription only in Australia and New Zealand.

Vimergy GABA

We are unable to sell GABA due to its status in New Zealand as a controlled drug.

Wymans Wild Blueberry Juice

We have no plans to sell this product as the weight makes it unviable for online sales.

Non-Vimergy Products
No other non-Vimergy products are available at this stage.